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Marvellous Eyube Welcomes You

Making a Difference

Marvellous Eyube is and has always been devoted to the people. That’s what being a Politician is all about. After years of experience working in NGOs and NPOs to make positive change in the lives of families, seniors and young people, Marvellous Eyube is now taking it to politics. It’s this intense dedication, passion, and devotion that fuels his fight for change. Explore the site to learn more about the issues that Marvellous Eyube is concerned with, his plans to tackle the problems and ways you can join the cause.

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A Born Politician

Marvellous Eyube has served in the political sector for a number of years, holding a variety of roles and titles throughout his career. However, the first thing his friends and family will tell you is that he has never forgotten where he came from or who he has been fighting for. Committed to change in our world, Marvellous Eyube has set his standards high, and will not stop fighting until a proper balance has been reached. He has a popular quote "everything is possible, if it can first be CONCEIVED, it can be ACHIEVED." 
To learn more about Marvellous Eyube, please explore the site and feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

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The Issues At Hand

Making a Difference

Everyone deserves a fair chance to succeed. Our nation’s success is built on the founding principles of unlimited opportunity, quality education, commitment to hard work, and the freedom to pursue our dreams. Marvellous Eyube fights each and every day to ensure that the community is advancing towards meeting these founding principles. Read on to learn about the issues at hand, and what is being done to combat them.

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Lake View

The Environment

The Stakes are High and everyone is a stakeholder.

Marvellous Eyube is proud to support and push for change throughout the community. This is a very serious issue that has been impacting civilians worldwide. It is up to Marvellous Eyube to address this issue head on, and rally the support needed to make the proper change. If you would like to find out more information about this issue, as well as others, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

School Bus & Children


For a Better Future"Remember I am with you NOW TODAY, for THE SCHOOL, for OUR TOMORROW and IN THE WORLD

This particular issue has been increasingly gaining coverage all over the world. Why exactly? It is an issue that needs to be addressed, and heavily discussed among politicians, lobbyists, and congressmen alike. Marvellous Eyube is pushing for change, and is doing everything they can to see a brighter future. Learn more and join the cause today.


Health Care

Key Policy

Marvellous Eyube is truly passionate about this issue, as it is one that impacts so many people all over the world. They hold this issue close to their heart, working day in and day out to find ways to improve the cause. Marvellous Eyube aims to maintain balance within the political system, and will keep pushing until the correct balance is reached.


Power Sector

The growth an success of the Power Sector cannot be negotiable

Marvellous Eyube is proud to support and push for change throughout the power sector. This is a very serious issue that has been affecting civilians worldwide (most especially in underdeveloped countries). It is up to Marvellous Eyube to devise means of takling this issues whilst rallying the required support needed to make the proper change. 
If you would like to find out more information about this issue, as well as others, please do not hesitate to get in touch.



For a Better Future an Economy must be built to sustain the future

The economy which is a structure or conditions of economic life in a country, area, or period defines the strength of a nation; Define a strong econmy, you define a strong nation.
Marvellous Eyube believes that the art of economics consists in looking not merely at the intermediate but at the longer effects of any act or policy. It consists in tracing  the consequence of that policy not merely for one jurisdiction but for all groups in all jurisdictions.
Marvellous Eyube believes that the economy of a society is the basis of the stability of a nation. If we focus on economic development, economic stability occurs and when the economy is stable the society develops
Join Marvellous Eyube as he diplomatically seeks to establish economic stability in our Nation.

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Global Parliament Endorses Politician

June 06, 2022

Marvellous Eyube on June 6 became the "youngest Global Youth Ambassador." at age 20. This was made public by Aryal Dakwar, the President of The Global Youth Parliament. The delegates of the Global Youth Parliament decided it was pertinent that they endorse and nominate Marvellous Eyube to become a Global Education Ambassador. According to Aryal Dakwar, the President of the Global Youth Parliament, in a press statement said that Marvellous Eyube is a Next Generation Leader, in his words "seeing as he uses his corridors of power without politicking with sole interest of enacting policies to ensure youth development and sustainability is one to commend." 
He further more adviced the twenty year old politician to be dogged about his vision and to never compromise on his journey to greatness whilst congratulating him on his latest achievement.

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What the Buzz Is All About

Marvellous Eyube writes his first post as a Global Youth Ambassador

June 07, 2022

Marvellous Eyube became the Global Education Ambassador on June 07, this was just after becoming the youngest Global Youth Ambassador on June 06, upon nomination and endorsement by the Global Youth Parliament. He pledges his allegiance to the youths in all continents whilst expressing his joy on his new achievement. He was congratulated on his social media handles after he posted a post on his appointment.
Join me to felicitate my greatest achievement yet!!!
It is with great joy that I announce my most recent appointment as a Global Youth Ambassador by the Global Youth Parliament as well as the Global Education Ambassador by the Education Sustainability and Vocational Development Initiative through the Global Education Ambassadorship Program. I do not receive this mantles with levity.
I will use this new office to promote Youth Development, Sustainability and Leadership across the thirty-six states of Nigeria, Africa as a continent and the world as a global community.
I therefore pledge my allegiance to the Global Youth Parliament, to the West African Youth Council, to the United Nations, to all organizations representing youths worldwide and to all youths of the world
Remember I am with you now TODAY, for the SYSTEM, for OUR TOMORROW and in the WORLD.
REGARDS,Hon. Marvellous Eyube.

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It takes tremendous community support to achieve political goals, and volunteers are at the very heart of our mission. Whether you want to help plan the next event, or would simply like to make a monetary contribution to Marvellous Eyube and their political efforts, get in touch today and see how you can start working towards a better tomorrow.

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Iwalewa Layout, Oluyole 200273, Ibadan, Nigeria


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